Northstar Cafe Website

This project is a static website built using HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap. It is a single page application meant to give visitors all of the information they need about Northstar Cafe in one easy to navigate page full of eye catching animations and smooth transitions. Users can find locations and menus, see pictures of some of the popular dishes, see real user reviews from Yelp, and use a contact form to contact the business. All of that is accomplished while being fully mobile responsive.

See the live site here

See this project on GitHub.

See a video overview of the site below:

Full List of Libraries and Frameworks Used:

  • Bootstrap 4.5
  • Font Awesome
  • Google Fonts
  • Animate.css
  • LightBox 2
  • Owl Carousel 2
  • Waypoints
  • jQuery 3.4.1
  • Counter-Up2
  • 1000hz-Boostrap-Validator